Sharick Mirza, CEO at Assurety Consulting, and Rex Bull, CMO at Assurety Consulting, discusses digital mailbox with Ian Kerr:
Assurety’s history with the US Postal Service’s Informed Delivery
What Informed Delivery is for consumers, businesses, and the post:
Sustaining letter volumes
Helping marketers exponentially increase ROI
Giving customers a preview of their mail
Penetration and saturation of Informed Delivery – including projections for usage rates
Exceptionally high open rates for Informed Delivery messages
Benefits to mailers of Informed Delivery or digital mailbox apps
Insights that marketers can get from a digital mailbox solution such as Informed Delivery
Improved response rates to marketing messages
Informed Visibility – and how it relates to the concept of the intelligent barcode
How mid-sized and small posts can use data to provide a digital mailbox service
Providing a single platform on a smartphone to track parcels, including returns
Helping companies plan marketing and sales campaigns using the mail and Informed Delivery
How to get started adding value to mail
Why postal operators shouldn’t be intimidated of embracing technology to improve the delivery experience – regardless of scale
Sharing delivery data on social media
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