With InformDAssurety™, users can create all of the files required by Informed Delivery without having to re-presort the job:
- Referenceable Mail Summary (RMS) file to provide digital campaign summary information.
- Referenceable Mail Record (RMR) file to provide digital image details and link to version data.
- Referenceable Mail Barcode (RMB) file to link campaigns to the mail piece barcodes
The system uses the barcode and other information already present in the Mail.dat jobs and allows the user to designate which image files are to be associated with which barcodes within a campaign:
- At the version level
- At the individual piece level
The system tracks which components or barcodes have already been assigned to a campaign, preventing duplication errors.
Multiple campaigns can be created within a single Mail.dat job and multiple Mail.dat jobs can be associated with a single campaign.
Easy-to-use screens allow the user to input all the required information, which gets stored in the system’s Mail.dat database, such as:
- USPS Campaign ID
- Campaign Title
- Campaign Code
The number of campaigns that can be simultaneously managed and used is virtually unlimited.
Contact us to book a free Consultation now and sign-up for a product demonstration. If you like the solution, we’ll set you up with a FREE 30-day trial including onboarding training.