Provides your business with optimal mail entry plan from Origin entry to Drop shipment of your mailing to avail maximum benefits.
Asses and identify AS-IS entry plans and utilize EntryAssurety™ to provide costs analysis of origin entry versus drop shipment costs and chose from one of the options that best suit your service and cost goals. International Parcel, Post, Courier, and Express can use the module to optimize their entry panning focused on costs and service performance goals.
Helps with the decision making of entry point selection for your mailing by recommending optimal entry point based on facility type, postage, line hauling, and 3PL (LTL) cost.
You can compare postage & transportation costs for your mailing when Origin entered versus dropship.
You can compare postage & transportation costs for your mailing when dropshipping across different facilities.
Create appointments with FAST based on recommended entry facilities using integrated ShipmentAssurety™ solution.